How to recruit hundreds of employees through one diversified campaign

13 July 2021

A high outflow and too low an inflow. DPG Distribution urgently needs a thousand freelance newspaper deliverers. MBut how do you make newspaper delivery sexy again for young people without scaring off adults and seniors?Recruitment manager Elisa Carson explains:

Fast results with a long-term vision

Jobsrepublic set up a diversified campaign with a personalised story for each target group. “After just two weeks, we already began to notice that the quality of the responses we were getting was much better. We often get the attention of interested parties right away now.”

We often get the attention of interested parties right away now.” “It is difficult to find freelance newspaper deliverers,” says Elisa Carson, manager of Labor Market Strategy and Communications at DPG. “We needed a new recruitment partner, but I wondered whether Jobsrepublic would also be a good long-term partner. I thought they mainly worked on ad hoc recruitment issues. We have a pressing issue to deal with immediately, but we really want to work on our overall image as well.

That way we won't find ourselves in the same situation again in two years' time." “Jobsrepublic developed a strategy in which we work with three different campaigns for three different target groups. These include students, people over 65, and other people who consider newspaper delivery to be their primary source of income. These include students, people over 65, and other people who consider newspaper delivery to be their primary source of income. Jobsrepublic took this as a starting point. Every campaign is really different.”

“After just two weeks, we already began to notice that the quality of the responses we were getting was much better.”

The DPG campaign four months later


Candidates reached


Website visitors



Candidates are central

“Young people don't think newspaper delivery is that hip - it's not cool, not sexy. With the targeted campaign, we can tackle that image problem among young people.
They can also contact us via the chatbot or whatsapp. You notice that they really prefer to first get in touch via an app. It allows them to indicate, for example, that they can be reached that afternoon. Or to first discover what to expect via the app. If what they learn excites them, then they go for it. It's perfect for this target group.”

Jobsrepublic zette een gediversifieerde campagne op met voor iedere doelgroep een eigen verhaal. “Al na twee weken merkten we dat de aanmeldingen kwalitatief veel beter waren. We krijgen de geïnteresseerden nu vaak meteen te pakken.”



Jobsrepublic set up a diversified campaign with a personalised story for each target group

“After just two weeks, we already began to notice that the quality of the responses we were getting was much better. “After just two weeks, we already began to notice that the quality of the responses we were getting was much better. Hypertargeting: approaching and enticing the right target groups. “People over 65 usually don't deliver newspapers for the money, but more because they want to be involved in the community. That's why this campaign page shows other USPs, but not via whatsapp or a chatbot. These people prefer to contact us via a contact form or by phone.”

These people prefer to contact us via a contact form or by phone.” They came to the depot at 7 o'clock in the morning to take the photos and videos. In order to recreate the right atmosphere, you really have to take pictures in the dark. I have often had to explain this to other agencies, but Jobsrepublic really envisaged themselves in the position of the candidate and the situation and decided to do it on their own. They were able to effectively capture that atmosphere, which you can really see in the shoot.”

DPG young newspaper deliverer

Amazing results

“After running the campaign for two weeks, we can already see that the registrations we are getting are of better quality. The people who sign up are much more available. Previously, we had a lot of problems with dropouts, people who thought 'actually, I've changed my mind' after the first contact. That doesn't seem to be the case now."

“In terms of customer contact and aftercare, Jobsrepublic has exceeded my expectations. You can tell they are really on top of it. They are always looking ahead to the next step. Jobsrepublic thinks about every step in the process, so I don't have to be constantly working on the campaigns. As a result, I have much more time to focus on the bigger picture.”

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Coen Kooyman
Recruitment Marketing Expert
Coen Kooyman
Recruitment Marketing Expert